Zurich - 19 Aug 2022
EUR 3,739m - PERILS releases third loss estimate for European Windstorm Series of February 2022
PERILS has today disclosed its third loss estimate for the European windstorm series which affected the British Isles and continental Europe from 16 to 21 February 2022. The series consisted of three storms named Ylenia, Zeynep and Antonia by the Free University of Berlin, and Dudley, Eunice and Franklin by the UK Met Office.
In its third loss report, provided in the form of a detailed industry loss footprint, PERILS estimates that the event has cost the insurance industry a total of EUR 3,739 million. This figure compares to PERILS’ previous loss estimates of EUR 3,610m which was released on 20 May (3 months after the event), and EUR 3,289m which was release on 31 March (six weeks after the event). PERILS’ industry loss figures are based on detailed loss data collected from affected insurers.