Zurich - 26 Oct 2017
PERILS discloses final loss estimate for the October 2016 earthquake series in Central Italy of EUR 208m
PERILS has today disclosed its final loss estimate for the series of earthquakes which impacted Central Italy between 26 and 30 October 2016.
The revised estimate of the property insurance market loss, based on loss data collected from a majority of the insurance companies active in Italy, is EUR 208 million. This compares to an earlier loss estimate of EUR 125 million which was issued by PERILS on 26 January 2017, three months after the event.
In this final loss report, the market loss data are available by CRESTA zone (province) and property line of business. This loss footprint information is complemented by instrumental shaking intensities, peak ground accelerations and loss ratios showing the incurred losses from the earthquake as a percentage of the sums insured.
Subscribers to the PERILS Industry Exposure & Loss Database can find more information about this earthquake in the “Industry Loss” section of the website.